Evangelical Association for the Schneller Schools
Evangelischer Verein für die Schneller-Schulen

Education for Peace

There is hope in the Middle East: At the Schneller Schools in Lebanon and Jordan, Muslim and Christian children get a good school education followed by a vocational training. Living together in peace and tolerance are of great importance.

Education for peace in the Middle East is an idea which Johann Ludwig Schneller already implemented when he founded the Syrian Orphanage in 1860. He brought in orphans from different religious backgrounds, offered them a good school education followed by a vocational training in order to enable them to live a self-sufficient life. The Johann Ludwig Schneller School (JLSS) in Lebanon and the Theodor Schneller Schule (TSS) in Jordan continue this important work. The Evangelical Association for the Schneller Schools (EVS) supports and accompanies both schools. As a support group, the EVS raises donations from private individuals, congregations and other church groups.

Both schools are under the oversight of local bodies. The National Evangelical Church of Beirut is responsible for the JLSS. The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East oversees the TSS.

The EVS is one of the founding members of the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) and understands its work as part of the worldwide ecumenical relations in the EMS Fellowship. It works on a partnership basis with the churches sponsoring the Schneller Schools which are both EMS member churches.


16. Oktober 2024

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In a few days' time, it will be one year since the terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and the subsequent, ongoing war in Gaza. The violence has now spread like a wildfire across Israel, Palestine and…

06. August 2024

“Gracious and Loving God, we come before You with heavy hearts, lifting up the nation of Lebanon and all those affected by the turmoil in the Middle East. (…) Lord, we seek Your divine intervention to bring about…

Our Projects

The Johann Ludwig Schneller School is located in the heart of the fertile Bekaa Valley. Christian and Muslim children learn and live together at JLSS. Orphans and children from disadvantaged families find a home.

The Theodor Schneller School is located on the outskirts of Amman. The children who live at the school mostly come from troubled families. Many are traumatized. TSS wants to help them to realize their own dignity.

The children are the ones who suffer most from the ongoing crisis in Syria. To give them hope for their future, we wish to enable them to attend school, even if they are far from home.

Schneller Foundation - Education for Peace

The Schneller Foundation is committed to Christian peace education which is practised by both Schneller Schools. Tolerance and living together in peace are in the focus. Christian and Muslim children learn what it means to respect one another and practise mutual tolerance regardless of religion or culture. Many former students are active in their societies today.

Since 1889, the Evangelical Association for the Schneller School supports this peace-building work in the Middle East. On 11 November 2007, the association founded the Schneller Foundation. With this, it created another supporting leg to finance the work of the Schneller Schools.

The interest revenues secures the future of both schools on a long-term basis. When the foundation was set up it had a capital of 1,085,000 Euros. Thanks to many contributions the capital was raised up to almost two million.

Other than regular donations which have to be used shortly after a contribution to the foundation capital is a long-term investment in the work. As only the interest revenue is used to finance the work Schneller Schools.

Schneller Magazine

The Schneller Magazine reports four times a year about the two Schneller Schools in Lebanon and Jordan. Feature articles, news items, analyses and interviews take up topical issues from the Arab world, linking them with the life of the students at the two schools. The Schneller Magazine places special emphasis on the situation of Christians in the Middle East. The Schneller Magazine is produced in cooperation with the headmasters of the two schools. 

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Give the Gift of Future - Get Involved

With your donation you help us to offer children from poor and troubled families a good school education followed by a vocational training. This way, these children get the chance to live a self-sufficient life and to contribute to a peaceful future in the Middle East.

Financial sustainability for the Schneller Schools is the goal of the Schneller Foundation. With interest revenue the foundation finances for example necessary investments or trainings for educators.

A donation to the foundation is also a good to achieve something that goes beyond you or to honour the life's work of a loved one. To name the foundation in your bequest is also possible.

Becoming a member is another great way to support the Schneller Schools. You receive information and news about the schools on a regular basis. And you are invited to the annual meeting of members. With your complimentary subscribtion of the Schneller Magazine you are always up to date on the developments of the schools and the situation of Christians in the Middle East.

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